Visiting the COFEMO Group
We arrived in San Cristobal, Chiapas, on Sunday and made our way to Los Altos to meet the COFEMO coffee group; a community of 58 indigenous Tseltal women. We found...
Rare Release 2025
Every year we try to shed a light on a particular coffee that is making waves in the industry, but maybe hasn't been given the spotlight it deserves yet. The...
Coffee Price Increase
From climate change, to shipping, to failed crop harvests, prices of commodities around the world have increased, and coffee is no different. It’s a complicated yet important topic, and one...
Our Nicaraguan Coffees
I think it’s fair to say, this year has thrown some curveballs. More logistical hurdles and supply chain issues than ever before. The world's in flux, and it feels like...
Colombian Sourcing Trip - October 2024
In October I was lucky enough to join Raw Material on a coffee origin trip to Colombia. This would be my first trip to any coffee growing region and I...
Update on Sailship Coffee
An update on our efforts to ship more coffee by sail We are releasing two coffees from Colombia shipped by sail aboard the Ide Min, from Cofinet via New Dawn...
New LDPE 4 Packaging
Our coffee packaging is changing. For years, we were proud to use paper coffee bags. We chose them not just for their earthy feel, but because they were UK-made, compostable,...
Women in Coffee
The coffee industry is vital to global economic growth and development, with women throughout the world playing a significant part in every aspect. Women contribute to the coffee sector at...
New House Coffee - Las Brisas, Guatemala
We are so excited to announce the launch of our newest House coffee, one that we were lucky enough to select from our sourcing trip to South America back in...
1% for the Planet
We are proud to announce that Earth Day 2024 marks the start of our 1% of the Planet membership. We are always trying to make positive changes when it comes to our impact on the planet and are so excited to be a part of this amazing partnership, pledging to donate 1% of profits to environmental change.
Water & Coffee: How much water does it take to produce coffee?
Coffee is a thirsty crop; it takes roughly 140 litres of water to produce one cup of coffee. The vast majority of this water is rainfall that producers rely on to naturally irrigate their farms, but it also includes processing, transportation and brewing by the consumer.
Fazenda Pedra Preta
Introducing Eduardo Ferriera de Sousa, fifth generation coffee producer and owner of Agroforestry farm, Pedra Preta. Eduardo is leading the way in his innovative approach to regenerative farming, and is an inspiration for coffee producers in Brazil and worldwide.