New LDPE 4 Packaging

Our coffee packaging is changing

For years, we were proud to use paper coffee bags. We chose them not just for their earthy feel, but because they were UK-made, compostable, and fully recyclable within the household paper stream. This meant lower transport emissions and a higher likelihood of actual recycling.

But, as we’ve seen many times before, nothing is ever simple. We’ve hit a snag. Our paper bag supplier, Sirane, the only UK manufacturer with the recyclable certification we needed, has gone into administration - our favourite bags are no longer available.

We’ve explored other paper options, but none of the suppliers can give us full transparency. Without clear information about their materials and origins, we can’t guarantee their recyclability. In fact, using the wrong bags could contaminate the recycling stream and cause more problems and waste down the line.

Whilst we’re desperate to keep our paper bags for web customers, I cannot in full confidence say we’re doing the right thing. If we did this, we would be as bad as the rest - all green labels, no integrety. No real desire to dig deeper and do the right thing.

So, for now, we’re switching to the same LDPE4 bags. Yes, they’re plastic, but they have the lowest carbon footprint among available options, and there’s a national commitment to improve LDPE4 recycling in the UK. While it’s not our ideal solution, we believe it’s the most responsible choice we can make right now.

We’re committed to doing the right thing, even when it’s more complex and expensive. We believe in transparency and integrity, and we’ll continue to explore more sustainable packaging options in the future.

You can find a recycling station near you by clicking the link below