
We’re excited to welcome back this wonderful coffee to the range. Hailing from our favourite corner of Nicaragua, from our favourite sisters with our favourite profile; wrap your lips around a mug and sip down the syrupy goodness - this is a crowd pleaser!


Carefully crafted and undeniably delicious, the Trust range showcases the best of specialty coffee with an impact.

All the coffees we buy adhere to the Yallah Buying Standards. Whether it’s shipped over by sailboat with almost zero carbon emissions, grown using agroforestry methods, or supporting social projects in that region.

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Roast Profile

Roast Profile

Medium Roast

Tasting Notes

Tasting Notes

Chocolate Bourbons, Toffee, Rich


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It’s really important for us to work with trusted partners in our supply chain who can provide us with honesty and traceability. We have created a set of guidelines to help us source coffee in a way we feel aligns with our values and beliefs. There are three core categories that we think outline the most important factors to consider when purchasing coffee: economic transparency, social relationship, and environmental efforts.

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Our 250g bags and 1kg bags are LDPE 4 packaging, a type of soft plastic, very common in food packaging. For home consumers LDPE 4 is still not curbside recyclable, but is accepted at local recycling points and dedicated soft plastics deposit points. Find a location near you.



Loma Fria




Bourbon, Catuai, Caturra



Country of origin

Nueva Segovia, Nicaragua

Our long standing direct trade partners in Nicaragua have shown us the range of quality of coffee from here; from House all the way to Explore, there’s something for everyone.

meet the producer

Loma Fria

We cupped lots of coffees with Martha (Cafetos) earlier this year and this one really stood out, both because of their interesting flavours and the opportunity to work directly with the producers of Monzonte in years to come. Martha’s friendship with the producers was also a key part; you could tell instantly there was respect and friendship on both sides.

The mill’s ability to sell some of the larger community lots to the same buyers as the single varietals creates stability for the producers. They can work with one mill they trust will sell their entire crop for a good price. This brings financial security and the opportunity to invest and develop relationships that can contribute to future growth and improvement.

Environmental efforts

Conservation & Cultivation

Sustainability is at the core of everything we do at Yallah, and this includes the coffees we purchase too. Supporting the environmental efforts of coffee producers can have huge benefits in the long term,not just for the planet but for the producers themselves, who are most at risk from the effects of climate change and the threat it poses to their crops.


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