We're exceptionally lucky to have some passionate, generous and talented friends around us. We wouldn't be here without them.

Josh is at the top of that list, and we were glad to find a reason to get him scribbling in the name of Yallah earlier this year. He did what he does best and came up with the illustrations we've been using on this site, on our new t-shirts and a few other goodies being printed as we speak. Or type.

Josh is a Cornishman through and through, and with a family history dating back to the 15th century, I can't really complain when I hear him muttering 'emmet' in my direction.

He's a softly spoken man, happiest with a tattoo gun in hand or a board under his feet. When neither of those is an option, his brain seems to go into overdrive. Maybe that's when the magic happens.




Rumours are that he's returning from an extended stay in London in the new year, and there are some exciting plans are hatching for the Trelowarren estate. For now, if you want to see more you can check here



November 19, 2016