

A partnership to be proud of, this Brazilian coffee has been purchased directly from Eduardo Ferreira's agroforestry farm Pedra Preta. Eduardo has a bold vision for his grandfather’s coffee farm; regenerative farming that protects the local flora and fauna whilst improving the coffee quality. Ambitious? Absolutely. We hope that this is the beginning of a long and rewarding relationship with Pedra Preta farm.

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Roast Profile

Roast Profile

Medium Roast


  • Dark chocolate, roasted hazelnut, caramel

Smooth, indulgent and full of flavour.


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It’s really important for us to work with trusted partners in our supply chain who can provide us with honesty and traceability. We have created a set of guidelines to help us source coffee in a way we feel aligns with our values and beliefs. There are three core categories that we think outline the most important factors to consider when purchasing coffee: economic transparency, social relationship, and environmental efforts.

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Our 250g bags are 100% plastic-free and can be recycled with your household paper or composted in your garden. We recommend storing your coffee in an airtight container like this one. Our 1kg bags are home compostable but not domestically recyclable, please don't put them in your curbside recycling. The planet thanks you!



Eduardo Ferriera de Sousa


Careaçu, Mantiquiera de Minas, Brazil


Red Acaia



Country of origin


A classic origin bursting with chocolate, nuts and balanced sweetness, Brazil is the world's largest exporter of coffee and a firm favourite among coffee drinkers. It's easy to see why we buy direct trade coffee from here each year.

meet the producer

Eduardo Ferriera de Sousa

Every bean in this lot was grown on a single farm - Pedra Preta. This farm is currently being transformed in the best way possible by Eduardo; from an average, monoculture coffee farm that churns out high volumes of beans, to a lush, biodiverse haven that is low intervention and sustainable in the true form of the word. It’s no easy feat. Eduardo has been meticulously planning and overseeing this incredible change since 2021 and there is a long way to go. He’s planted many species around the coffee trees; Guapuruvu, with it’s long root system, provides moisture deep in the soil, whilst Inga, a type of legume, attracts wasps that protect the coffee cherries from tiny borer beetles.



Agroforestry is a way of growing coffee alongside other trees and plants, either by planting coffee in established forests or purposefully planting other cash crops to grow alongside. This can be a great tool to combat climate change in coffee growing countries, as well as maximising profits for producers.

The purchase of this coffee marks a huge step towards our sustainable goal, to roast a higher volume of coffee from Agroforestry farms.


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